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Pure 505

I was born and raised in Albuquerque's North Valley. I am a 5th Generation North Valley resident and a 3rd generation Valley High School Graduate in my family. Being born and raised in Council District 2, I know all the facets of the District and take pride in the rich culture and diversity of the area.


I have an extensive family history in the North Valley. My Great Grandparents, Toby and Lucy Baca, were known and loved by the community and built a prosperous life and legacy in District 2. My Great Grandmother owned and operated a restaurant named Cocina de Anita. My Great Grandfather owned and operated a Texico gas station across the the street from my great grandmother’s restaurant, both of which were located on Candelaria. True to my family history, I would like to keep the entrepreneurial spirit alive in the North Valley.


Education and hard work have always been important factors in my life. I have a degree in psychology and a certificate in criminal investigation. I currently work as an independent contractor in the legal field, and have witnessed first hand the struggles that small businesses have in Albuquerque. 

Pure Freedom

Albuquerque has a long history of being a destination where one goes to get away and be free. Lately Albuquerque has been losing its freedom minded way of life, from politicians raising taxes (stealing money) from citizens to use on their pet projects, to politicians passing pointless laws that expand their power and restrict the freedoms of Citizens over time Albuquerque Citizens are losing their money and  freedom to government.


District 2 Citizens are also losing their rural way of life. Corporations and government have teamed up to urbanize and change the North Valley. To make matters worse our city government has chosen to give your tax dollars to multi-million dollar companies so they can change the rural nature of district 2. 


I have always been involved with organizations that look to limit government power and spending. I always look for solutions that preserve freedom, limit government power and protect ones way of life. It does not matter where you come from or where you have been. If you believe in less power for government and more for the people I invite you to come join my team, and let's make sure the Valley stays the Valley, and Albuquerque stays Pure 505, Pure Freedom. 

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